Mandala Metaverse is scheduled to launch on the Polkadot network on April 28th

Mandala Metaverse is an upcoming augmented reality (AR) game that is generating a lot of buzz in the NFT community. The project is multi-faceted, encompassing a wide range of media, including television, graphic novels, gaming, and augmented reality. It aims to create a seamless, immersive experience across all these forms of media, with a particular focus on gaming.

The gaming elements of Mandala Metaverse were developed using Epic Games’ Unreal Engine, which is renowned for producing high-quality, Triple-A games. This, combined with the project’s ambitious scope and impressive lineup of artists and developers, has led many in the NFT community to anticipate its launch.

Mandala Metaverse has announced that it will be launching its first major NFT drop, titled “Cryptonauts,” on April 28th. The NFTs in this drop depict various playable character personas, each illustrated by acclaimed comic artist Bruce Zick. Zick has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, including Disney and Marvel, and his involvement in the project is expected to add a new level of depth and detail to the game.

What makes the launch of Mandala Metaverse particularly interesting is that it will be hosted on Polkadot, a network that is not typically associated with hosting gaming and NFT projects. However, Mandala Metaverse CEO Jon Shanker believes that the network’s NFT capabilities offer innovative ways to use NFT assets, such as staking and bridging, which can enable new possibilities that were previously thought impossible.

Despite Polkadot’s relative lack of experience in the NFT and gaming space, many in the community are excited to see what Mandala Metaverse can achieve on the network. The project’s ambitious scope and innovative approach to NFTs and gaming have generated a lot of interest, and the upcoming launch is eagerly anticipated by many.

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