A remarkable venture is taking shape in the heart of Los Angeles as the renowned Proof Collective, an exclusive NFT community behind successful projects like Moonbirds and Grails, unveils its plans to launch an events venue. This 4,000-square-foot space in the vibrant Los Angeles Arts District aims to become a hub where the Proof community can showcase their work, bridging the worlds of traditional art, Web3, and entertainment under one roof. The venue will play host to a range of exciting activities, including upcoming NFT drops, community meet-ups, immersive experiences, and artist residencies.
The timing couldn’t be more perfect, as the hub’s launch coincides with the highly anticipated release of Proof’s Mythics NFT collection. Designed as a six-month pop-up space, it encourages social interactions and gatherings until the end of 2023. The exact location of this creative haven will be revealed in the near future, adding to the anticipation surrounding its grand opening.
While Proof has encountered challenges along the way, such as the cancellation of the introductory Proof Conference in February 2023 due to low-ticket demand, the collective remains resilient and determined. It is now focused on delivering a meticulously curated program over the course of the six months. Depending on the success of the pop-up venture, Proof envisions establishing a permanent presence in Los Angeles, expanding its influence within the city and beyond.
The upcoming artistic sanctuary from Proof Collective in Los Angeles represents the boundless possibilities that emerge when cutting-edge technology and traditional arts converge, all made possible through the power of community.