Krapopolis – NFT based TV show by the creators of Rick and Morty premieres on September 24th

The upcoming animated series “Krapopolis,” created by the team behind the popular show Rick and Morty and backed by Fox, will intertwine animation with blockchain technology. The series is set to premiere on September 24 and promises a thrilling plot set in the mythical world of Ancient Greece.

“Krapopolis” is a project that emerged in 2021, marking the first venture of Blockchain Creative Labs. Despite the challenges faced by the crypto market and the fading popularity of NFTs, Fox has remained committed to the series. The show will feature a star-studded cast, including actors Richard Ayoade, Hannah Waddingham, and Matt Berry.

Fans of “Krapopolis” have had the opportunity to acquire unique NFTs called “Krap Chickens” since last August. These NFTs serve as tickets to access the series and have already gained significant value, with 10,420 NFTs sold for a substantial amount. Holders of “Krap Chickens” will enjoy exclusive behind-the-scenes content, access to special events, and the opportunity to obtain digital and physical merchandise.

The debut of “Krapopolis” signifies an exciting step in the evolution of entertainment, as it combines animation, blockchain technology, and the creative vision of the Rick and Morty team. The series has the potential to offer a unique and immersive entertainment experience for audiences.

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