4,000 Cabin Crew Will Be Hired By Emirates To Prepare For The Metaverse
The largest airline in the UAE, Emirates, announced last week at the Dubai Metaverse Assembly that it will be employing 4,000 cabin staff to undergo training in the Metaverse.
The Metaverse is already being utilized by others, despite the fact that the ordinary individual is still unsure of what it is, how it operates, and what it may be used for. Governments, corporations, and organizations are all investigating how this new technology may be applied to boost productivity and communication.
The Metaverse offers the United Arab Emirates a chance to teach its workforce more effectively and realistically.
VR training for 4,000 Cabin Crew Members
Emirates Airlines made a statement about its intentions to provide new workers with Metaverse training during the Dubai Metaverse Assembly last week. The largest airline in the nation now employs 16,000 cabin crew personnel. It intends to grow to 20,000 by the end of the year.
Additionally, the 4,000 crew members will participate in a VR training project. The crew members will be able to stroll inside a virtual airplane using the Metaverse and VR glasses. They will learn everything from operating the galley to safety measures thanks to this.
According to Adel Ahmed Al Redha, COO of Emirates, virtual reality is being utilized to mimic boarding an airplane. To improve the airline’s service, it is important to examine every aspect.
Innovative Training Techniques
Emirates can customize the A350 and show the crew members in great detail what the aircraft will look like in 2024 thanks to the Metaverse. In addition to displaying planes, the airline may use accurate simulators to teach its staff.
That includes situations that are hard to replicate in real life. The personnel will be able to simulate dealing with a disruptive guest or a medical emergency using virtual reality (VR).
At the two-day Dubai Metaverse Assembly, which featured over 600 specialists, 25 sessions, 30 speakers, and 40 IT businesses, the news was made. The emphasis of the occasion, which took place in the Museum of the Future, was the promise of the Metaverse.
The Metaverse Strategy of Dubai
Now, this isn’t the first time that Dubai’s ideas for the Metaverse have come to light. The Dubai government unveiled its Metaverse Strategy back in April. The objective is to expand the number of businesses operating in the blockchain, cryptocurrency, and metaverse industries.
Dubai wants to rank among the top Metaverse economies in the next five years. Numerous projects are included in the strategy to aid the city in achieving its objective.
The reception to Dubai’s ambitions for the Metaverse has so far been favorable. Emirates intends to cooperate on initiatives linked to the Metaverse, NFT, and Web3 with engineers, scientists, and other specialists from all over the world.
The business is already developing both useful and collectable NFTs.