Yuga labs’ projects keep losing their ETH value, time to cut loss or buy?
Several NFT assortments developed by industry heavyweight Yuga Labs have recently plunged to their lowest ETH evaluations, diverging starkly from the ascending fortunes of other NFT projects, including those affiliated with the company, buoyed by the surging crypto market. For instance, Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC), a collection launched by Yuga in August 2021, has…
BNB/USDT Confirmed BUY
BNB/USDT artifact disclosed BUY signal on Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 04:00AM UTC
DOT/BTC Confirmed SELL
DOT/BTC artifact disclosed SELL signal on Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 12:00AM UTC
Elacity Enables Fractional NFT Trading with ERC-404 Standard
Elacity, renowned for its NFT marketplace on Layer-2 Elastos, has rolled out support for the ERC-404 standard, enabling users to trade fractional NFTs seamlessly on its platform. Diverging from the conventional ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards, ERC-404 streamlines the creation of NFT liquidity pools, granting users the ability to possess portions of an NFT. This innovation…
XRP/BTC BUY signal flashed
XRP/BTC artifact disclosed BUY signal on Mon, 11 Mar 2024, 12:00PM UTC
MATIC/USDT artifact disclosed BUY signal on Mon, 11 Mar 2024, 08:00AM UTC
LINK/BTC artifact disclosed SELL signal on Mon, 11 Mar 2024, 04:00AM UTC
XRP/BTC Confirmed SELL
XRP/BTC artifact disclosed SELL signal on Sun, 10 Mar 2024, 04:00PM UTC
Travala Introduces Bitcoin Rewards for Travelers
Travala, a top travel agency, now offers Bitcoin rewards for its users. This big change in how they reward customers shows they’re focused on new ideas and making customers happy. Working with the AVA Foundation, Travala added Bitcoin to its loyalty program called AVA Smart Program. This lets loyal customers get rewards when they book…
Sony Introduces Super-Fungible Tokens (SFTs) to Revolutionize Gaming
Sony, renowned for its groundbreaking contributions to gaming through the PlayStation console, has recently introduced an innovative concept in the gaming sphere: the ‘Super-Fungible Tokens’ (SFTs). These tokens, hosted on a decentralized ledger, are poised to revolutionize the gaming landscape by enabling players to possess unique in-game assets and exchange them with others. In traditional…